Welcome to the
Virtual Paper Organizing Retreat page!!
It’s time:
are you ready to get a huge chunk of organizing done??
You are in for a RE-TREAT!!!! (Get it??)
BONUS: A week of Free attendance to the Find FOCUS workshops ***Get support leading up to the weekend***
What You’ll Accomplish:
- Setting up your systems for success
- Make lifelong Org365 friends!
- Clear out paper in large quantities!
- Having sooooo much fun!!
- Getting into Action! Today, yes, TODAY!
What is the general schedule?…
Sunday, November 13, 2021 (9-5p on Zoom)
- Yay you! Your launch pad is ready for you! Water, coffee, breakfast if you need it
- Remind your “housemates” that you are not available!!
- Start logging in 10 min before time
- 9am hey!! Let’s have some get to know each other time/connection
- 25 past the hour, start your work session!!!
- Take breaks when you need it, especially for lunch!
- 1:45pm Do you want to do your Sunday Basket?
- 2-4pm Get Set Sunday Work session
- As you near the end of the day, take note of where you are and what you will pick up with tomorrow
- 4-5p Wrap up, tidy up, and share the WINS of course!
- Go flop and/or celebrate the day’s accomplishments (even if you feel like you barely scratched the surface)!!