Are You Living Every Day on a Freight Train Hamster Wheel?
- First, what Def-Con Level of Personal Chaos describes your life?
- Are you typically late and unprepared on the regular?
- Would you say you have at least 1-3 things you can’t find that are currently stressing you out?
- Do you feel “the Squeeze” on a regular basis because of this last-minute living?
- Are the “Stress Goggles” superglued to your face all day every day?
I get you because I AM YOU! I have lived on the freight train hamster wheel for decades, and it sucks. I’m learning still, but I have something you need: the CALM Method.
Hey, There! I’m Ryan.
I’m a community-loving ATX-based organizing coach excited to work online with all you busy, overwhelmed women (mostly moms) who are sick of being late, stressed and forever in reactive mode. It’s not YOU, it’s actually a lack of effective, simple systems and compassion for yourself!
As a mom of 3 boys and very involved in my community, I know what it feels like to live in chaos, stress and wild disorganization. As I found little pockets of time to start tackling the physical stuff in my home and on that endless to do list, I noticed 2 important things. #1. It felt AMAZING to know what I had and that I could actually find those things. Such relief! And #2: I felt like I sucked less and found more time to follow my dreams!!
Unofficially self-labeled ADD/ADHD, I have spent numerous cycles identifying the demands on my time, attention and schedule while seeking to create SIMPLE yet SOLID systems that are easy to implement: starting immediately! When you start to notice that you are crossing more t’s and dotting more i’s, you will feel so much more in control. And that feeling on repeat is what spurs you onward! Check out my book, the CALM Method for all the juicy details!
Most important of all is to realize and embrace that you are NOT alone in this crazy-town life, and that you have a village who is waiting to support you on this journey. We are so much better when we rely on the strength of the loving people around us. You wouldn’t hesitate to help others, I know that, but guess what? IT’S YOUR TURN NOW.
Is this you?
I regularly get out the door late, unprepared and already stressed about my day?
Do you:
- Get distracted by all the things when you sit down to make that list?
- Just want to cry when you open email?
- Have boxes of things in your car to donate, items to return, but never end up TCB (Taking Care of Business)?
- Want to do more of things that you love, but are constantly stuck doing OPS (Other People’s Stuff)?
You’re in the right place if you want to:
Feel “put together” and tackle your day with energy
Readily lay hands on your stuff and not spend loops looking for things
Reduce stress and open up time for you
Make a greater impact in your home, your community & the environment
Find FOCUS MeNtorship Group Workshops
Can’t get anything done?
You will when you attend our Zoom workshops where FOCUS is the name of the game
Work on paperwork, personal projects, clearing out emails, whatever is on your plate!
Plus you’ll receive energy from the other attendees to get shizz done!