Welcome to the
Virtual Paper Organizing Retreat page!!
It’s time:
are you ready to get a huge chunk of organizing done??
You are in for a RE-TREAT!!!! (Get it??)
BONUS: A week of Free attendance to the Find FOCUS workshops ***Get support leading up to the weekend***

What You’ll Accomplish:
- Setting up your systems for success
- Make lifelong Org365 friends!
- Clear out paper in large quantities!
- Having sooooo much fun!!
- Getting into Action! Today, yes, TODAY!
What is the general schedule?…
Sunday, November 13, 2021 (9-5p on Zoom)
- Yay you! Your launch pad is ready for you! Water, coffee, breakfast if you need it
- Remind your “housemates” that you are not available!!
- Start logging in 10 min before time
- 9am hey!! Let’s have some get to know each other time/connection
- 25 past the hour, start your work session!!!
- Take breaks when you need it, especially for lunch!
- 1:45pm Do you want to do your Sunday Basket?
- 2-4pm Get Set Sunday Work session
- As you near the end of the day, take note of where you are and what you will pick up with tomorrow
- 4-5p Wrap up, tidy up, and share the WINS of course!
- Go flop and/or celebrate the day’s accomplishments (even if you feel like you barely scratched the surface)!!
Stay tuned for future fun events!
Check out the precious venue below…. Possible 2022 retreats to be held here.