Dec ember 10th, 2024 – Set aside your reaction to the date (yes you can!), and reframe: how low can you set the bar as we close out 2024? Guard your energy and only do what brings you joy…I’m a broken record on this I know.
Current musings:
It may seem like ages ago, but did you set any goals earlier this year? Possibly you did during our “Goal Grounding” Workshop that we did back in February. (stay tuned! we will be doing it in 2025!) Or did you choose a Word of the Year (WOTY)?
NOTE: This is in no way shape or form a “goal-shaming” blog post today. Hel-lo! Have you MET me? I’d never ever do that! Now…
What I DO want you to do is to start a little bit of reflecting back on 2024. Without judgement. You started the year with hope and fresh energy, but yeahhhh, best laid plans, right? NGL, (not gonna lie) this year was a doozie, am I right?!?
On top of all THAT, I’m sure there were no fewer than a dozen unforeseen and unexpected events and myriad distractions. It’s called LIFE. Life’s gonna happen!
Reality check here: when you look back, look for the DATA. You tried! You had every intention. The goals were ripe for the picking! But, life was happening left and right. So cut yourself a big slice of slack pie, seriously! (does that work? slack pie? the jury’s definitely still out on that one…)
Guess what? I have great news!
You really and truly accomplished way more than you realize. It’s in the action of scrolling back through our calendars and camera rolls that we see the irrefutable evidence of micro-wins.
And you know me, a micro-win is still a win, baby! So let’s uncover them.
Here’s how you do it:
When you have some quiet time, or more likely some nice “waiting time” like in a doctor’s office or a carpool line, scroll backwards in your phone’s camera roll and smile! “Favorite” those pics that show the stuff you did! It’s there, I promise. Warning! it’s going to be soooo tempting to declutter some bad pics and useless screenshots, and I won’t discourage that, but this ritual is geared towards finding your wins! (PS we have a free Digital Decluttering workshop every week at noon central…)
We will come together to share those wins and plan for 2025 very soon, I promise. But the magic comes when you spend some time reflecting over this year. Maybe you won’t get any slow/quiet time for this until after the holidays, but a quiet moment is out there somewhere, so be on the lookout and grab it by the Christmas balls! (yeah, I said that…)
I’m getting fired up as I see this year closing and a new year queueing up! New Year energy is my favorite!! There will be much more on this topic in future emails, so go forth and holiday in the meantime.
Enjoy the moments!
Strong Women Lift and Inspire Each Other!
Never has there been a more prolific, unique, driven, difficult, successful badass out there than Martha-freaking-Stewart. She was the first woman BILLIONAIRE, yes with a B. Self-made of course.
When Netflix suggested the documentary “Martha” to me, it was a no-brainer to stream immediately. Whatever your preconceived notions are of her, set it all aside and WATCH. (And yes, they talk about her bestie-ship with Snoop!)
Interestingly, after the documentary came out, the self-described perfectionist Martha has since been interviewed saying she didn’t like how they portrayed her in certain instances. Which made me love her even more!
In spite of the decades of bad press, I’m wildly inspired by this icon.
“It’s a good thing!” – Martha Stewart a billion times