How in the world is it November 26th? Thanksgiving is almost upon us…I’m incredibly grateful for you, reader. Whether you’re new here or have been around for years, I appreciate you so!
Current musings:
Wow, friend! Last week’s “grinchy” message RESONATED with so many of you! Thanks for reaching out to share your a ha’s about decluttering your “too heavy” holiday lists.
Even those of you that love-love-love all the holiday things still saw the reasoning behind saying no to at least a few things. Makes my heart happy!
Anytime you need permission to say no, I got you. Never hesitate to call on me as your ride-or-die-say-NO gal!
In case you missed it:
We carved out time during Digital Decluttering to do our Holiday-Brain-Dump-and-List-Curation workshop (and lowered our blood pressure too!). Take a few minutes using the replay and do your own; you’ll be glad you did!
PS No Thursday workshop this week…Happy Thanksgiving! See you in December!!