The Grinch has entered the building!

Nov 19, 2024 | Ryan's Blog

November 19, 2024 – Doubling down on our theme of saying NO! Because saying “no” is actually a “yes” to what really matters.

(and if these emails don’t float your boat, don’t feel bad AT ALL if you unsubscribe and save your energy! I mean it, truly. Life is too short!)

Current musings:

Yup, it’s happening, folks. The holidays are coming. The stress is quickly heightening. The countdown to 2025 (WHAAAT??!!) is on!

Even if you’re feeling on top of things lately (yay you!), the holidays and the march to the end of the year are the real litmus test of your systems and honestly, your patience.

Here come a few Grinchy rants.

Be warned! If you love allllllll the things about the holidays, this email might lightly put you off. It’s okay, we don’t have to agree. Permission to not read this.

This email is for those that want LESS STRESS and permission to let some things go.

So let’s get after it.

Case study #1:
HOLIDAY CARDS…oh boy, where do I start? I realize I might be unpopular after this rant but here goes: if you typically send out a long list of cards that are simply a photo card of your family with no personalized message, then SAVE YOURSELF NOW from that exorbitant expense of your time and money. Our mantlepieces will be fine! (Or just send one to your great aunt that still loves them and isn’t on Facebook)

Or try this: send them ELECTRONICALLY! Think of the time and hassle savings! And the same effect…people see your great photo:)

Case study #2:
GIFTS…I’m sad that online shopping has absolutely RUINED gift-giving, but let’s face it! It has! No one needs a single thing!! You give a thing that then they need to later declutter…or it’s something so basic and practical like underwear that it’s just not special in the least. If you find yourself browsing the socks, candles, and other plastic garbage at Walgreens…please STOP!

Again, possibly an unpopular opinion, but can we switch up gifts to clutter-free?? Take someone somewhere and spend time together! Or make a donation to a worthy nonprofit that fits the recipient’s passions…a much better way to spend our holiday money other than at Best Buy or Target.

(I warned you this was a rant!)

Case study #3:
BAKING….with the holidays comes so many expectations of producing themed baked goods, appetizers, OMG HELP! I will refer you to the wise words from Kendra Adachi of The Lazy Genius principles…DECIDE ONCE. And if the thing you decide on is store-bought, then that is SO OKAY!
Only if you LOVE baking and it fills your soul…do it, but if it’s a time-consuming and messy drudgery…just say no, friend.

Or, how about supporting a small business that specializes in these things? The holiday markets are everywhere right now.

Case study #4:
DECORATING….and let’s throw in HOLIDAY CRAFTS, too. I’ve not always been such a Grinch, friend. For years and years (years and years ago…) I loved decorating, making ornaments and other holiday traditional stuff. I did! But over the years, I slowly realized that I was the only one. Trying to beg the family to have a decorating the tree/holiday movie watching evening just stopped being fun!

And, you can’t deny this: it’s so much freaking work! Hauling out boxes from whatever attic or storage area you have…taking down the regular decor and replacing with the seasonal…and then the big event to put it all away after the holiday…when you don’t want ANY OF IT!

RIGHT??!?!?! Less is more.

Rant over…you made it!

Here’s how you do it:

I can’t remember a holiday cycle in any recent memory that didn’t run me through the ringer and leave me with the thought, “NEXT YEAR I WILL DO THIS DIFFERENTLY BECAUSE THIS WAY IS CLEARLY NOT WORKING!”

Of course that mean ol’ Overwhelma love-love-LOVES the holidays, friend. In order to keep her delight at about a 2-out-of-10 this year, here’s what we’re going to do. (I know you’re going to LOVE this!)

Get a big piece of paper a make the overwhelming and exhaustive brain dump list of all the upcoming events, traditions, tasks, all of it!


Then grab a highlighter, and highlight the ones you have no control over (have to do) and also the activities you actually want to do.

If you’re really into this “say NO energy”, grab a second SMALLER piece of paper and title it: “My Happy Only JOY holidays”! Copy over the highlighted items from the scary list and let’s see how much easier you can breathe…

Bottom line: if you don’t want to do it, then DON’T. I’m giving you a free pass to ONLY do the things that YOU love and the things that you do with JOY.

But if it gives off vibes of “begrudging” then NOPE! Talk to the hand!

Let’s do this together at our next Digital Declutter session!!!

In summary, if you absolutely love all of it, and you have time and energy for it…then go forth and do!! 100%! My message is not for you today.

But, if the holidays are already giving you nightmares, then please feel free to take my advice and cut out most of it. Saying no to let’s you say YES to the few things you really love. And you get to enjoy it! We deserve to love the holidays, too.

I will be doing the same, friend. Taking shortcuts, finding premade, or simply deleting. I will fully and joyfully say no! And then say YES to the things I love!

Like pie.

Join us this Thursday at noon Central to make our “ONLY JOY” happy holiday lists together!!

Ryan 🙂


My name is Ryan…

I love teaching people how to let go of the crazy and live a less stressful life. My book The CALM Method: A Guide to Ditch Last-Minute Living is full of guidance and tips for you, but the real magic is in our community. The Find FOCUS Membership is a great place to get more done alongside your peeps!!!

Less Chaos? Yes, Please!

Learn the CALM Method for getting out of the house on time and with less chaos.