March 18, 2020 — It’s undeniably crazy out there, y’all, so here’s my advice: FOLLOW YOUR ENERGY. Be real and raw and from the heart, but keep your head on your shoulders and do those things that help keep you on your path.
Normal will be back, in whatever form it will take, but now is survival mode. You must do what you can do to get the ship righted. And, you can’t expect yourself to “presto” and be something you weren’t BEFORE all this like:
1) perfect homeschool mom 2) daily workout queen 3) organize every single thing in the whole house 4) gardener extraordinaire 5) community leader saving the world 6) scrapbook every baby photo in the house for all of your kids 7) read every item in that 15-book high stack on your nightstand…do you hear what I’m saying?
But you CAN work slowly in any of these directions if you HONOR YOUR ENERGY. You have to evolve, more than ever. Notice what is working and what isn’t. Do you need to take little nap at 10:30am? Do you need to just get out and walk because you’re antsy? Do you need to pull everything out of the junk drawer? Do you need to bake a boatload of baked goods and share with the neighbors? Do you need to call all your relatives one by one and check on them? Do you need to look at all your babies’ photo albums and cry? Do you need to sit in a chair and read all day? Do you need to order pizza and play games with your family? Do you need to go through every paper in the filing cabinet? Then do just that. It’s so important.
Do not set yourself up with some “ideal” that will just squash you before you get started. Baby steps following your energy will get you through each day, and we don’t know what each day will bring because it changes on a dime. We are in a state of adapting, multiple times a day! Remember 3 days ago? We had 4 extra kids over and watching movies and swimming in the pool. Now, today? We wouldn’t dream of being so inconsiderate of others’ health and safety!
Ride the wave. Listen to your energy.
However, you must still continue to do some of those things from “old normal” because that’s who you are. That was when we could focus on something that didn’t change with every other news report. Morning mediation, journaling, exercising or whatever you can do to start the day with only yourself and your thoughts and feelings…this is more important than ever. Keep boundaries against TMI in the news. Check in with your heart and what keeps you on your path. Others are counting on you to keep on keeping on.
No one has the answers, we are in this together.