Feb 4, 2018 – Wow! My 2nd blog post ever. What’s whirling around in my mind right now? (fingers crossed here…) I’m planning on no less than 1 blog post per week, and do a FaceBook live from Love Your Space Organizing on Fridays. I feel it’s important to set the bar “low” here, so I’ll feel that progress is being made, not perfection! Honestly, I feel victorious writing this very post, so yay me!!
Did you click on the title because it intrigued you at all? My mission is to help you help others, easily and effectively. I bet you are already trying. Do you save Box Tops, Campbell’s labels, soda can pop tabs, and other items that en masse add up to some sort of benefit to some entity? Or do you save your newspaper bags for your neighbor to use as poop scoop bags? Do you save kitchen scraps for your neighbor’s chickens? (I do!) Do you save hand-me-down clothes for someone’s children younger than yours? Do you save household items for your church’s outreach? Yay for this habit! Has someone asked you to save something for them for a specific purpose? My mother-in-law used to save K-Cups for a friend who had an art project she was needing them for, so my MIL, bless her heart, would peel back the foil, rinse out the grounds, and collect them en masse for this friend’s art project.
Challenge: if you are collecting things, go ahead and deliver them to the place that they were intended! keep an eye out for any collecting going on that you could easily contribute to. OR, ask for something that YOU are needing! Again, my MIL, who always comes through when asked, is collecting her plastic grocery bags for me now that we have 2 litter boxes! (Austin is anti-plastic bag) See how the circle goes around? I would love hear what YOU collect for others or ask others to collect for you.