October 2, 2020 — I love October. It’s my favorite favorite month. I think it stems from my love of Fall and Halloween. I grew up in North Carolina where there are 4 actual seasons, unlike here in Austin, Texas. So the NC fall season brought gorgeous autumn leaves and cooler weather. And ohhhhhh I loved Halloween…such good times.
Oh, October. It’s the perfect month. September is great, too, but October is the “chill yet still productive” month. No big stressful holidays to contend with, the school schedule has settled in (well, on a normal year anyway!) and the weather is not usually as crazy hot. We start to get that AMAZING weather (think: San Diego) and it’s a treat to be outside.
For sure, this year is different, bringing myriad challenges, fears, and questions on the daily. It’s almost impossible to think about what the holidays will be like. We have almost no ability to plan ahead right now, or if you do make plans, you are often finding the need to adjust and pivot constantly.
My solution is to concentrate on NOW. TODAY.
How can you dial in right now?
Take a moment, if it’s not too raw or upsetting, to think about last March, April and even May. When I do, it brings up surreal feelings. I even feel a little wistful for those “simpler” Coronavirus times. (Quarantine and shutdown weren’t all bad!)
But, wow, the events that have transpired since then: IT’S SO MUCH. (And it ain’t over yet, folks. More lessons are a-coming! But anyway…let’s move on)
So, literally, TODAY is where you pour your energy. Keep your head above water, whatever that means for you, your family, your security. Carpe diem.
Are you phoning it in? Are you surfing through the day on social media in fear mode?
DON’T. It doesn’t serve you.
What is serving you right now? Calling a friend? Taking walks? Organizing a drawer? Making dinner? (NOT making dinner?) Cleaning your house? (NOT cleaning your house?) Snuggling together with your kids and a book?
I guarantee that if you stop and take a quiet moment, you will easily identify your current behaviors that need to stop, and others that will elevate you. Both types are there, wanting to tell you something!
Are you still doing things out of habit that only drag you down? Are you surrounding yourself with people/news/noise that fuels your fears?
STOP. Turn your back on that stuff. Turn it off. At least for some time to let the dust settle in your soul.
Tune in to what works for you.
For me, it’s gathering my village. I am no one without my peeps. I’ve gotten nowhere in my life without the support and love of so many. And I know how integral their energy is for me. Connection is my fuel.
Find your peeps. Let them love on you. And love on them right back!
Every single person needs it right now, whether they know it or not.
My recent personal and business successes are products of dialing in to my dreams and core values…but WITH my village at my side, encircling me, and lifting me up!!!
Picture a cheer team pyramid…how strong are they as a tight foundation to lift the top members up and fly them into the air!! They are so much stronger and more creative together.
That’s what the Find FOCUS & Fight Distraction Membership does for me and the current members. It’s magic.
Do you want to join the team? We are ready to sail you in the air to great heights, and then catch you in our strong arms, over and over!