Back to our regularly scheduled programming!
Thanks for sticking with me last month as we celebrated National Adoption Month by walking through my story. All the feels! Speaking of feelings…
Are you feeling the freight train of holiday overwhelm yet?? (Crap! I’m so “behind” and I have no idea what to get anyone!! No one needs anything anyway these days. Ack! I felt this way last year, and the year before…I hate the holidays now. In fact, hate myself, too!! Oh, Grinchy Grinch time.)
Or, if it’s not the holidays, how about all that “year-end” craziness in your business or the company you work for?? (Emails stating that in addition to all the regular work and current projects, don’t forget these ten checklists and/or extra reports! And hey, there’s cookies, peppermint bark, and peanut butter kiss cookies in the break room ALL THE TIME…and who has any ability to resist those right now in stressy land??)
Or, if you’re “lucky”, then maybe both simultaneously???
No one needs this, yet every year…cue up the chaos right on time. Like clockwork! Help!
Personally, I’ve always fallen prey to the last-minute living of the holidays. Each year I vow to do better. Still figuring that out.
So, let’s ask, how? Can we figure out some tools?
YES. WE CAN. We CAN enjoy the end of the year and holiday madness.
- Do less. Ask yourself: does anyone notice? Let go of things that don’t actually matter!
I remember the year I finally said to myself, “Nope! Not sending Christmas cards anymore. And I’m not sorry!” You see, I used to write something on each one. I enjoyed doing it, more or less, but the shine wore off. People see pics of my kids on Facebook all year long, so, I let that monumental, time-consuming, expensive “must-do” go away with fruitcake.
I do get lots of nice cards that I appreciate, don’t get me wrong! Please don’t stop sending cards if it gives you joy. But consider this permission granted to stop sending (or dramatically decrease the number of cards sent). Your time and energy are valuable!
- Don’t shirk your normal routine, as much as humanly possible. It keeps you sane!
You’ve spent a good amount of time getting in a fall rhythm, so don’t just trash it because there’s a sudden a download of extra activities, parties, and tasks on your calendar. Keep up with what keeps you balanced and fortified; and maybe for every 3 parties or activities you RSVP to and/or add to your calendar, you set yourself a non-negotiable “me-time” appointment for a bath, a quiet walk in a peaceful place, or sitting alone in a comfy Starbucks chair to quietly ENJOY your special beverage intentionally (instead of taking distracted sips on the go and completely missing the chance to appreciate it)!!!
This time of year has become way less of “the most wonderful time of the year” but more like “the OMG I am horribly crazy busy and I have so much to do: ack!” (which would make a way less catchy Christmas carol, don’t you agree??)
The bottom line is don’t leave yourself out when it comes to the holidays. In fact, try putting yourself first and see what happens!
In our Find FOCUS Membership, we tackle all of this TOGETHER. Accountability is key!!! Check it out!!!