If you’ve been keeping up with these emails the past few weeks, you heard that my older brother passed away suddenly on May 31st. RIP, Mike Leary. We miss you tons.
So when I share that I got to go away on a girls weekend this past weekend, I have a strong feeling you know how needed that was!!
It’s interesting to note that we planned it several months ago…but the timing couldn’t have been more perfect. For all six of us.
So. Very. Needed.
We rented an AirBnb in the Texas Hill Country: Kingsland, Texas, to be specific, which is about 75 minutes from my house. It’s a lovely drive, the kind of drive that gives you just enough time to unwind from the frantic packing (ugh!!) and to be able to untangle from your busy life…listening to music or a podcast…and then when you arrive, you burst in the door and announce to your girlfriends, “LET’S PAR-TAAAAY!!!!” (100% yes, I did that!)
And that’s EXACTLY what we did.
It. Was. Glorious.
Pool floaties, coozies, LOTS of sunscreen (we know better!), 80s music, snacks galore.
We played games, talked, ate, talked, laughed and laughed. And ate some more!
Each one of us is overly busy-busy and also silently struggling, (that’s also a given), so it was essential to take this time!! We loved on each other. We shared allllll the things. Supported each other.
Recharged our batteries and our souls!
Of course it went by way too fast, (that’s a given), but it was amazing. And EXACTLY what each of us needed.
And we made it happen!
I like to refer to “self-care” time as “being nothing to no one” time.
Right?? It’s so important. Yet ironically, the more you need it, the harder it gets to find on your calendar. So my advice is to book something several months out. (I know for a fact that I’ve mentioned this before, maybe even in my book)
Or, use the set-it-and-forget-it method: book a regular monthly slot on your calendar so it’s already earmarked. Take yourself to a bookstore or thrift store. Take yourself to coffee. Take yourself to a park. Call a friend. Do a crossword puzzle. Ride your bike for fun. Listen to the birds. Stare at the sky and breathe!
Please, JUST BE NOTHING TO NO ONE for a few minutes, can you do that?? For YOU??
Thank you. (And then later reply and tell me! I love that)
Next question: what feeds your soul???
There are ZERO wrong answers here.
I have a friend who took herself to France for, wait for it, THREE WEEKS. BY HERSELF. (and this friend is frugal!) It’s true.
And she was 100% UNAPOLOGETIC about it. Isn’t that fantastic??
We tend to apologize for taking care of ourselves. That is bonkers! We must stop that garbage. We must own our own self-care. (No one else will!)
After all, we spend hours and hours and cycles and cycles taking care of others’ needs and problems.
We spend hours and hours and cycles and cycles thinking about taking care of others’ needs and allllll the things that THEY require.
Take back some of that energy for YOU.
Time is ticking down to get into BINDER BOOT CAMP
(Starts next Friday, July 7th, details below)
Having your papers organized = INFINITE PEACE!!
Ryan, I have a few questions!
Save the dates for our Fall monthly Binderpalooza workshops: 8/31, 9/28, 11/2