December 14, 2021 — Oh, y’all, it’s #energyleak time, holiday edition!
Maybe you…
-haven’t finished (or started!) (or started but have no idea what you’ve bought nor for whom!) holiday shopping
-are nervous about holiday traveling (mostly because we are out of practice #2020)
-are wondering, “where did this year go??? and wtf #2021? Thanks for nothing (LOL).
-are thinking that maybe getting excited for #2022 is just going to be the 3rd annual slap-in-the-face universal prank??
Since we have no crystal ball, (and who wants the burden of knowing anyway? No thanks!) we have to keep on keepin’ on. Seriously.
And, you’re actually doing great!! yay you!!
I’m doing great, too. I’ll share a bit.
Last year at this time, we (as in, myself and my amazing virtual assistant Karen) were preparing for the maiden voyage of the “Lose Weight in Your Inbox” Challenge. Since it was #2020, I was staying home between the 2 major late December holidays, and decided to offer something fun and helpful to those who chose to join us for the virtual event.
LOTS of people suffer under the virtual weight of overladen inboxes and chaotic labels and/or folders. It’s like laundry and dishes…you turn your back for a moment and someone has left a bunch of bowls in the sink! And it piles up from there!! Incessantly.
Since it was so fun last year, “Lose Weight in Your Inbox” is BACK this year!!! Woohoo!!!
If you subscribe to my email (scroll down the bottom of my home page!), you’ll get the free download PDF we created last year following the challenge.
And guess what? We are calling it a Mini-Class for 2 good reasons:
-because I don’t like the word: “challenge” (it makes people think they’ll get behind or fail…)
-AND, I’m a teacher, so it feels right (and I love teaching my students!)
Okay, so what’s the deal??
The 4 days ‘o fun begins Dec 28th and finishes up on NYE!
After the dust of the Santa holiday clears, we are inviting you to tackle that inbox of yours with us! Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, whatever you have, you have emails in there that NEED to go. En masse. You also have emails that are important and/or sentimental. So digging around and caretaking those will help you drop the numbers.
Once you have some traction from the Mini-class, you can keep the maintenance up when you find time. In the cracks of your busy life…
Last weekend, I was in a hotel room for a few hours at a time when my son was doing a tennis clinic. There, unburdened by household chores, I chose to wrangle my inbox back into submission! A year ago, I NEVER would have chosen that beastly task, but since I’m a card-carrying member of the Lose Weight in Your Inbox crew, I have more skills to get in there now.
It gets crazy in there, but after a YEAR of working it, re-working it, learning some amazing quick tips (like in Gmail, you can “right-click” on an email and pull up ALL the emails from that sender!!!!! LIFE-CHANGING) I can make progress. It’s awesome.
PLEASE join us for the fun!!! There is a free Facebook Group and 4 Facebook events to help you find us!! We invite you to join on Zoom but will also livestream into the group. Yay, replay! But try to participate live so you can ask questions right then and there.
Literally, what do you have to lose?
And so much to gain, when you open your email after the mini-class and know you have the upper hand.
Can’t wait!!