Jan 21st, 2021 – I have this long list of previously ordinary things that I really miss:
Hugging people outside of my immediate family, inviting people into my home to share food and fun, going to live music venues, when there wasn’t plexi-glass everywhere, going into Traders Joe’s without waiting in line first…and…
ooooh, being home ALONE.
Yesterday, at 1:34pm, the most delicious, unexpected, marvelous thing happened: I discovered that I was the ONLY HUMAN in my house. Mind you, it was less than 45 minutes…but STILL!!!
And wow, was that a great feeling!! How, did that miracle even happen? Well, my hubby ran out to do some errands, and then my 2 younger sons left to go shop for a birthday present for a friend, and my oldest is back in Boulder for “college” so…
My own version, for maybe 30-45 minutes, of HOME ALONE. Or possibly, SUBURBAN MOMS GONE WILD!
What to do what to do??? If I’d stopped to THINK, PLAN or anything cerebral like that, I’d have killed the vibe of spontaneity. I needed to let loose and capitalize on the surprise freedom, immediately.
So, the first thing I did was send a Marco Polo to my mastermind group to share the good news, cackling like anything. “I’m ALONE!!! I’m alone in my house!!!!”
Second things I did was say, “Alexa, play ‘Sexy Back’ at volume 10” and yes, I let the good times roll right there in my kitchen as if I was on the floor at a Justin Timberlake concert! That song is the BEST for kitchen dance parties when you need to let go. And so I did.
(If you hate “exercise” but love to dance…you love “exercise” btw!)
I follow that up with “What other songs to I love to listen to at top volume??” I did request a certain Nine Inch Nails song that I can’t name here (this is a family show LOL) but it certainly hit the mark for “home alone” kitchen dance party.
It was euphoric. It was NECESSARY. It was unexpected and all the more perfect because I jumped into the moment with my whole being. And I’d have never done this in the line of sight of any of my family members or neighbors (except maybe my hubby, but definitely NOT my kids!)
I realize you might be reading this and thinking of your own situations which run a continuum: from, you are never, ever fully alone at home and there’s no possibility of it at all due to circumstances; to, you are always alone and that’s just the way it is right now, also due to circumstances. But that doesn’t change the fact that you need to seize the moment and shake it up every once and awhile.
It feeds the soul.
Last week on Monday, I had the serious pandemic-related burnout doldrums. I had to shake out the rugs, figuratively, and just say no to certain topics and activities for a day. And it made a huge difference in my outlook for the rest of the week.
Is time for a dance party? Or a craft fest? Or a sing along (maybe in your car)?
Let JT or Elvis or Madonna or Adele or Cardi B lead the way and get a little crazy:)
INDULGE YOURSELF. Endorphins are free!! Let loose!!
Shake it off!! (I did not invite Tay-Tay to my dance party FYI)