Greetings from hot-as-a-tamale TEXAS where the temp is continually 100-and-GROSS!! Serenity now!!!

I’m in utter disbelief that this is the last week of July. But we cannot dismay! You’ve gotten more done than you think.
PS Resting and going at a slower summer pace counts as progress, didn’t you know?? Yay you!
I have a personal update for you: my 18yo son’s PASSPORT is finally in the works!!! Such a relief!!! (and they promised it will show up sometime before 2025 LOL, ok 10-12 weeks…give or take a month…)
How did I get it done??
Against all odds, I kept clicking the USPS appointment website every few days to see if I could snag an appointment…and last Friday, the stars aligned and yes!!! Snagged it!!! Booked it!!!! We went yesterday and got it done!!!!! (I realize I’m pushing way past the acceptable number of exclamation points, but this is HUGE!!!!!!!!)
Proud of myself, too, that I had my purple slash pocket prepped and ready with his old passport, his birth certificate (I brought the social security card just in case!), the printed out and filled application, and YES, a CHECK for payment to the US State Department. An actual paper check.
Yay me for reading the instructions, too. I’d previously printed the application double-sided (BTW that’s a no-no) and I’m not sure I’d have brought my checkbook(??). So, my advice is to CALM down and read all the instructions as you prepare for appointments like this. I took my own advice for once!! WOOHOO that’s progress!!
I still have a serious case of PTSD from going to the DMV for permits and licenses with my 3 boys. (I shiver remembering…) If you’ve been reading my emails for awhile, you absolutely know what I’m talking about. Eeek. No thank you.

Progress is looking back at how far you’ve come. Comparing against YOUR OWN path, no one else’s!! That’s the special sauce!! I’m currently bowled over by the book The Gap and the Gain by Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy. It highlights this concept in glorious detail. Get it!!
What are you proud of yourself for right now? Tell me! Oh, and my son looked at the purple “I’m so prepared” slash pocket, and said, “Hey, Mom, that’s impressive!” (puddles…)
Come have fun with us!
Binder Bootcamp ’23 was a raging success, y’all!!!
- Some highlights:
- Passports and other vital documents were found
- Giant stacks of old file folders were purged
- Automobile binders were created
- Multiple binders were updated!
- Multiple kitten cameos kept us laughing
- Many “seals” were broken like “I FINALLY started!!!”
- Bonding while making progress TOGETHER, woohoo!
Fall Binderpaloozas are coming back…8/31, 9/28, 11/2 (stay tuned for a “Bundle-palooza” announcement!)
On Deck this Week:
With August just around the corner, we have a strong feeling that your EMAIL might feel a touch overwhelming right now, so come join us this Thursday at noon CST for our pithy, 45-minute free digital decluttering workshop on Zoom or watch live in the CALM Collaborative! You can get so much done in that condensed container.
Here at at Organizing4Good, we are here to share easy tools you can use to keep yourself sane! Well sane-ish!!! HUGS!!