The Power of Plan B

Aug 17, 2021 | Ryan's Blog

Aug 17, 2021 — It’s the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!! In-person school!!! I’ve been WAITING for this day, LONGING for this day. I’m thrilled to welcome this day!!

No matter what else happens, today is the first day of in-person school in a YEAR and a half. Wow.

But I digress…let’s get into it.

Let’s talk about the Power of Plan B.

Plan B is dripping with my favorite word: PROACTIVE.

Plan B is an acceptable, checks-the-boxes alternative; one that you have already thought through and made any possible preparations towards.

It provides some semblance of control, even in situations that are clearly not in our control. In fact, Plan B means you have applied the CALM method and you are prepared.

Empowering yourself is everything. Keeping your eyes peeled for possibilities.

What about when something is just “off”? Plan B is available for you. And Plan B is not worse! Maybe Plan C or even D, E, F are, but Plan B is often as good as Plan A.

I’d argue it’s even better, because you truly have to weigh the options of the situation to put together Plan B, independent of Plan A. Think about that!

If you’ve been around for the past year or more in the CALM Collaborative, my sweet, deep and yet fun free Facebook Group, then you likely have heard of and/or participated in Thursday Lunch Bunch Live (LBL) and/or the Anti-Procrastination/Perfectionism POWER Hour (APPH). These two things were offerings that I created to create connection, provide some guidance, and maintain a space where you could actually FOCUS on and knock out some energy leaks by taking action!

Lunch Bunch live consisted of a ZOOM style “life-chat” for about 30 min and APPH was one hour to get-to-work and knock out that item or items on your list that drains your energy.

I so love live Thursdays because it lets me see and hear from you “out there”. (And I actually do my hair and makeup!)

So, I took July and half of August off from these offerings for a few reasons, most having to do with summer energy and family time.

As I tend to do, I ponder the effectiveness of each thing I bring to you, free or paid, and I want it to be great and more than worth your time, energy and/or money.

I want it to be AMAZING and transformative!!! You deserve nothing less.

So as I thought and thought…neither LBL nor APPH checked all the boxes that I wanted. Yes, each was good, beneficial, entertaining, especially for the price (free LOL).

But I found myself wondering, why aren’t more people flocking to this free stuff? Free stuff that I felt was available and valuable…

Why aren’t people beating down the virtual door to a FREE workshop of FOCUSed time?

Why aren’t there more people in LBL, drinking in the connection and good fvibes of self-improvement?

So I sent LBL and APPH on date. I wanted them to get to know each other and see what could happen.


Well, guess what happened? Plan B, of course!

I think you’re going to like Plan B as well or even better!

oh. my. goodness!!


Literally WOW!!! The best aspects of each offering in a new, merged (but still familiar) format and still FREE!!

Yes, please!!

So this Thursday, it’s having it’s debut!! We went dress shopping and everything!!! (LOL)

POWER HOUR Live will be an hour-ish long ZOOM style live Q&A to identify the energy leaks/tasks/projects that are holding you back in big or small ways, and then we will get to work on those things right then and there!!! Or create a plan of action if that’s more available in the time alloted.

And the most important part will be the “sharing of the WINS” at the end! We will allow 10-ish minutes to hear from you!! We get to celebrate you and more importantly, YOU get to celebrate YOURSELF!!

So, right now, mark your calendars for every Thursday at 11:15a CST for PHL!!!

And if you are not in the CALM Collaborative yet, you’d better get in there post-haste!! It will be live-streamed into the group so if you can’t attend live, the replay is there for you and your inspiration!!

I am so pumped for this!!!

Stomping out those energy leaks and busting through overwhelm is everything!! And when we do it TOGETHER…all the special sauce it there for the having!!

Let’s do this.

Deal? Deal.

I’ll see you on Thursday!

Ryan 🙂


My name is Ryan…

I love teaching people how to let go of the crazy and live a less stressful life. My book The CALM Method: A Guide to Ditch Last-Minute Living is full of guidance and tips for you, but the real magic is in our community. The Find FOCUS Membership is a great place to get more done alongside your peeps!!!

Less Chaos? Yes, Please!

Learn the CALM Method for getting out of the house on time and with less chaos.