I’m sharing a win-in-progress with you, right off the bat!
As we prepare for our last baby to head to college in a short two months (eek!), I am trying to make a list of what things need to get done before he’s off to the University of Pittsburg mid-August.
As part of my “I hate last minute drama” ritual, I was looking in my Organize365™ Financial Binder (←click for my affiliate link) at the copies of our passports and checking their expiration dates…
Ahhhh, passports. A document that you often need at short notice, and when it gets too close to expiring, you start to sweat and throw money at “rush fees” when you panic about getting the renewal done in time.
I noticed my 18-year old’s passport expires in December of this year. “Yay me!” for noticing, first of all, and then “yay me!” again for starting a purple slash pocket with the current passport and the printed out application. I did NOT print the 4 pages of instructions, however, I did skim…and made an important discovery: since his passport was last issued before his 16th birthday…we must go in person to renew. And I mean WE: as in mom and son. (gosh, now I need to look up if dad has to go as well!!!)
So far, as I write this, I am still in the CALM Zone. But, as we know, something inevitably flares up and steals time. You can count on it.
So, this win-in-progress has a deadline of early August, but I am asking you to help me be accountable to get this done!! (This and getting the Medical and Financial Powers of Attorney done!)
I know the power of accountability. I know that we are better together, too!
Reach out and ask for your own accountability. We’ve got you right here! And in our free Facebook Community The CALM Collaborative.
Join us there, and read on for an exciting summer workshop FOCUSED ON PAPER CLUTTER!! And making/filling out your own binders!
I can’t wait to work on it together with you!!
It’s coming up quick!!