Last week I shared a big share with you…my adoption story! I got such lovely responses from many of you, thank you:)
If you missed the video, here’s a link.
I’m curious, how did you view or think about adoption when you were growing up versus now? I think the perception has evolved over the decades, well, I KNOW it has.
Back in the 70s when I was growing up, adoption was still a somewhat secretive concept. And not one that my adoptive father, born in 1928, was altogether comfortable with, apparently, based on the fact that he introduced me as his ‘adopted’ daughter for years, (yes, true!) until my mother (or more likely, my grandmother) finally convinced him stop saying that. I never spoke to him about that because he died when I was 23, and frankly, I’m not sure I ever would have…but who knows??
Even though it’s a bit cringy to think about someone introducing their child as their “adopted child” (while standing next to their natural child…ugh!!), I am extremely grateful that I grew up knowing I was adopted. I knew that there were two ways you get babies: you birth one or you PICK one! And I was PICKED, lucky me!!
Unfortunately, I have heard heart-wrenching stories of an adopted child being sat down one day and TOLD that, oh, by the way, it’s time you knew…can you imagine feeling that?????
Short PSA here: children MUST GROW UP KNOWING of their adopted status.
The point is, sometimes talking about adoption can feel a bit “sensitive” or like “there must have been something wrong” when a family seeks to adopt, right? It’s so personal and fraught with emotion…
Interestingly, even I feel a bit tentative talking to people who have adopted, especially ones who are in the more current “open adoption” era like we are now. The fact that adoptions are now open is an opportunity for that child to still have a relationship, if possible, with their birth family, but not expect the financial/basic needs type of support. It’s like having extended family.
I’ve been doing a more than a little research (now I know what you “initiating Fact Finders” do all the time!! (find out your Kolbe MO) I’ve spent some time on the Wikipedia page about “open adoptions”.
I found this: “Open adoption has slowly become more common since research in the 1970s suggested that open adoption was better for children. In 1975 the tide began to change, and by the early 1990s open adoptions were offered by a majority of American adoption agencies.”
The bottom line about adoption is, and should ALWAYS BE, for the benefit of a child, a human life, that would otherwise not start his/her life with the basic needs being met and the chance to thrive way beyond that.
The bottom line about adoption is, and should ALWAYS BE, for the benefit of a child, a human life, that would otherwise not start his/her life with the basic needs being met and the chance to thrive way beyond that. Period!
Thanks for reading…more next week about my own story.
Reminder of this month’s Nonprofit Shoutout!
All month long on my FB page and Instagram, we will highlight the Texas-based nonprofit Carrying Hope. What an amazing organization! With your mouse you can support them: like/follow them on Facebook!
You can also select them for your Amazon Smiles recipient and/or choose them for your Facebook birthday fundraiser. So many easy yet impactful ways to support!!