EEK!! It’s practically March!? Are you SERIOUS??!?
But we JUST flipped the calendar to February!! How does this happen??
We are 3 years past that errrm, indescribable year of 2020 (which honestly feels like a decade ago..) Isn’t that hard to wrap your mind around???
Ever since the year that COVID rocked/wrecked the world, time just doesn’t make sense anymore! When I try to think back to a trip or some event, or even just last month, it’s like looking through water. It’s super distorted.
And a bit disconcerting, don’t you agree??
So, when I start to feel like, “where did the time go?” I stop and identify as many wins as possible. I literally write them out in my bullet journal. It’s true!
Until I actually start writing things down, it’s hard to think of more than a few wins.
But then this really cool thing happens: the wins sprout other wins! It quickly becomes a win-splosion! (gosh, I love making up words)
Some recent wins that I’m sooooo happy about:
- I’m reading FICTION again!! As a “non-fiction book addict”, this is such a big deal! (I just finished The Testaments by Margaret Atwood. It’s the sequel to the The Handmaid’s Tale!) And now I’m reading Divergent. (yes, I’m a dystopian novel fan)
- I’m decluttering my house like mad! Less inventory is key…so instead of, “do I need this?” I’m asking instead, “do I want to MANAGE this?” Powerful.
- I’m getting together with people I love! I had dinner with a dance-mom friend just last night. And a triple birthday dinner with 2 other friends next week. The trick: book it waaaaaay out in the future where your schedule seems wide open.
- My husband bought a Roomba for his office studio and it’s quite the little soldier! We are letting it do its magic in all our rooms. What an invention.
Tax time is coming…do you know where your receipts are??
Hey, what about two, big, 3 ½ hour stretches of time to really get into decluttering and organizing those financial papers? Be that person that gives your CPA all the goods early this year!!! They have to deal with enough last-minute peeps as it is. So join us for BOGO Binderpalooza on Mar 2 and Mar 30! Follow the link and pay $65, and you’ll get both March-paloozas!
Can’t wait to see you there!