Thanks for all your support this year!
Well, this is my last email of 2022. I’m incredibly proud of how consistently I’ve crafted and sent you a weekly email every Tuesday without fail. This is HUGE for me. Consistency is not typically my strong suit. There’s definitely information to be had here: what is important to me gets done…food for thought for my end of year review time. I love my “year-in-review” mini-retreats for myself!
Note: I hope you will set aside some time to review this past year: the good, bad, and those “unexpected” events. There is gobs of information to be had there!
Back to the gratitude moment: thanks so much for reading these emails. It means the world to me! When I check my “open” rate analytics and see numbers consistently above 58% and often pushing 68%, it fills my sails, y’all!!
Truthfully, the best part has been your awesome replies!!! Almost every week a few of you reply with a quick share, and I love that so much!!
So here’s another one for you:)
Reply here and tell me what was the highlight of your 2022!! Or, even better, what was something you did this year that you are DAMN PROUD OF???
(My answer is: I have been seeking to STREAMLINE, let go, EDIT and EVALUATE whenever and wherever I can. I have dropped things that I never thought I would! It is hard, but it’s GOOD! I highly recommend it.)
So, don’t look for an email on Dec 27th because I’ll be on a ski trip with my family! And may you be enjoying intentional time as well, whatever that looks like!
The next email comes out on Jan 3rd, 2023, the day my youngest turns 18!!! Whaaaat?? Also, that is 2 days before my own birthday!
Wow, I’ll be turning 53: that feels so weird!!!! (inside, I’m like 33…but waaaaay smarter than I was then)
Cheers for now! Happy New Year!!