May 4, 2018 — Wow, it’s really May! While we’ve been enjoying a cooler than normal Spring, people are still in that “get it out” mode that is brought on by Spring Cleaning energy. It happens every year and we should capitalize on those urges that lead us to open up windows, change out heavier blankets for lighter ones, and fill boxes to cart off to donate.
With education though, we know now that there are items that we don’t have to toss in the landfill, like this copier! I called the City of Austin Resource Recovery and asked about one of my favorite things: “large item trash pickup” which happens every 6 months. It is FASCINATING! It’s freecycling in it’s purest form: put it out, and someone picks it up, no questions asked. And then, whatever remains, gets picked up by a truck and carted off to the landfill. Yes, from your curb directly to the landfill.
Electronics should NOT go in the landfill. It’s so easy these days to donate electronics for recycling: google “electronics recycling austin” (or follow my link) and you’ll be overwhelmed by the choices! And that is precisely why we have trouble: it is too overwhelming. This is why I am here for you. My calling as an eco-organizer is to make it simpler and very do-able for you to “get stuff out” without not wrecking the environment in the process:)
ACTION ITEM: Set up a bag, box or bin in which to toss your electronic cords, devices and the like and then take it to a proper electronics recycler. I personally use Z TechGlobal Solutions these days, but if you’re walking into Best Buy, look at the bins they have to collect all sorts of things. There are pick up services for large items like the copier above. Yes, sometimes you have to pay a little, but hey, aren’t you glad there are companies out there dedicated to recycling ELECTRONICS?! I sure am.
Cheers, y’all!