Today is the day!!!
August 15, 2023 – I bet you know that saying “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.” It’s super simple: yesterday is gone, tomorrow isn’t even a guarantee, so we must focus on now, today, because it’s literally the only option!
This morning, my hubby and I woke up to our first official day of “empty-nesting” (although there’s still so much their stuff here…ugh) and I’m sooooooooooooooooooo pumped for this phase of life!
I’ve been “mom” for almost 24 years now…I got pregnant for the first time in 1999…that’s almost a quarter of a century!
Children, no matter what size or age, are so very DISTRACTING and DIRECTLY sabotage our progress…”mom, mom, mom” is like breathing to them. And we, as moms, are Pavlovian in our response! We even respond to other children’s “mom, mom, mom” when out in public. We literally cannot ignore that sound!
I assume I’ll get some texts (or even a prized phone call on occasion!), but those will have less of an immediate impact on my FOCUS.
My plan for today is to take pictures and video of my house as it is on Aug 15th, 2023, because I’m going to get “all the way organized” at last. Just watch me. (I’m in at least 3 organizing/decluttering programs with active Facebook groups and communities, so my cheering section is primed.)
Here’s what I’m light-to-meduim worried about: that unwanted visit from Overwhelma! She’s waiting for me.
She knows I’m going to be pulling out whole closets worth of stuff, knowing that most of it has to go, but then comes the “ugh!! this is so much work!” and “OMG!! how did it get this way?” kind of head trash. Overwhelma LOVES IT when you let that Head Trash Monster out to play.
But, I will breathe. I will bust out positive self-talk statements like, “it didn’t get this way in a day, so it will take more than a day to reverse it.” I will put on the fun music. I will cue up the organizing and decluttering videos to cheer me on and give me hope.
I will walk away at times. I will be so kind to myself.
I will (seek to) NOT get distracted by OPS “other people’s stuff” like my husband’s 15+ year old work papers that reside in the storage room (ugh!!!). I will quickly and quietly box it up and put a lid on and label it.
(Here’s a big one:) I will NOT get distracted by individually posting things on my Buy Nothing Group WHILE I’m in work mode. I will set them in an area to do later…or not! Maybe I’ll just donate it all en masse. We shall see!
Eyes on the prize! Here’s my goal: to deeply declutter (AKA reduce inventory!), to identify WHAT I have, and WHERE it is as much as is humanly possible.
As I say often in my FOCUS membership group: everything takes longer than you think it will…and that’s okay!! That’s how long it should take, but you can’t know that until you keep going.
I give myself permission to MAKE PROGRESS. And I think I’m gonna have a fabulous time!
I’ll share my progress in our free and wonderful non-judgemental Facebook group the CALM Collaborative. I hope you get inspired.
Please cheer me on! I’ll need it!
Thanks in advance:)
The Good Times:
How much fun have we been having every Thursday at 12p CST for our 45-minute free Digital decluttering workshop! Get all your new Fall calendars loaded into your digital world BEFORE it gets away from you. Set and adjust alarms to support your new fall cadence. Work on finding those overdue tasks lurking in your emails…with a supportive Facebook group. GOLD!
Save the Dates:
Fall Binderpaloozas* are almost upon us…8/31, 9/28, 11/2 $65 each. Or check out the Bundle-palooza price: buy 2 get one free! Message me for deets. (Offer expires on 8/30)
What is a Binderpalooza? A 3.5 hour workshop to get your papers out of those files, piles, and boxes and into reliable, organized, portable binders!! (affiliate link) Life-changing.
Always Available for YOU:
What questions do you have as we head into Fall Organizing Energy? Or are you curious about learning more about Kolbe™?? Let’s talk it out…book a CALMplimentary 30-minute chat with me!! I mean it. So much can be accomplished in a short time and then you might learn some action steps to help you eat this Fall up!!