Hi, you fluffernutter, you!

Oct 8, 2024 | Ryan's Blog

October 8th, 2024 – Well, I can’t make this stuff up, but it’s National Fluffernutter Day today. Being that I’ve never eaten one…but I’m fairly intrigued with the combo of peanut butter and marshmallow fluff…who knew?

Current musings:

Back to business: how’s your October going so far? 

Had any pumpkin lattes yet? Have you pulled out any fall decor? A pumpkin shaped mug, possibly? How about a Halloween doormat? 

I highly suspect, because I feel it too, that your plate overfloweth with too many activities, projects, people, events and things on your list, am I right? (yes, I put “people” in there!)

Your calendar is completely packed. (and very little of it is stuff you actually want to do…) It’s a thing!

Of course, that mean ol’ Overwhelma loves this time of year when we start getting really worked up about the holidays, and completely miss the joy that is Fall Energy. One minute it’s hello, October! And then the next, we are stressing about Black Friday deals. 


Changing it up for a minute:

As I was trying to craft this week’s email, feeling completely bereft of a message for you, I thought, “hey, what did I write last year around this time?” 

So I clicked over to my blog for a shred of inspiration, and y’all, guess what? there are some HILARIOUS titles over there. Like am I that funny? I guess I am (or have been, anyway!), go figure.

My top 5 favorite blog titles: 

5. “Why are your pits so sweaty right now?” was all about working on your tax papers for the big April deadline

4. “We shall not melt! We shall fight!” was an August post about attacking your email inbox (sounds familiar!)

3. “He-Man was wise before his time” told the tale of frantically finding an apartment for my then-rising Junior at Purdue

2. “Ready to oust the guilt gremlins from your Doom Box?” was a recent blog about the box of dolls I found in my attic

1 “Woo woo you very much” was a primer on choosing a Word of the Year and then manifesting it all to come true!

I enjoyed writing every single one of those posts. And there are a LOT!

What I learned from my blog:

What did I learn from perusing my blog posts? Well, I’m kind of afraid to say it…

I’m pretty much a broken record! I have about five themes, and I just cycle through, adding a different story here or there, but when you boil it down…

it’s the same stuff…the same messages, a different week.

Maybe we should start a drinking game for my blog themes! Set the bar low, you got this, watch out for Overwhelma, I get you because I am you, get accountability, you can be the boss of your email, and you are so much more amazing than you think you are! 

I stand behind every one of those cheerleading phrases. And likely you’ll hear them again, if past evidence rings true. Go team!

Thanks for reading week after week, friend!

Check out our friendly & effective accountability group! 

Ryan 🙂


My name is Ryan…

I love teaching people how to let go of the crazy and live a less stressful life. My book The CALM Method: A Guide to Ditch Last-Minute Living is full of guidance and tips for you, but the real magic is in our community. The Find FOCUS Membership is a great place to get more done alongside your peeps!!!

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