Written directly from Ryan’s heart
How could I do that to you?
Last week I did something I don't normally do. I sent you two different emails about two different...
One “love language” you’ve never heard of before
Words never spoken before:“Cool Prius!" and "Sending emails can be a type of love language”Who...
A bucket of ice water on my head please!
Goodbye, June, and hello, July!! It's been so hot here in Texas that we are spending as much time...
When the Twilight Zone feels more real than not
Preach, Mariah!!! Well, I've done it. And it feels great! What have I done? I'm giving up on ever...
100% Obsessed!
I'm all about short and sweet today, as I'm in Colorado dealing with the house that LUCKILY didn't...
YAAASSSSSS!!!! It’s here!!!!
Please join me to celebraaaaaaaate!!! And what are we celebrating? The day: Saturday, June 4thThe...
Sign up for my newsletter!Sign up for my newsletter! When I say: “that feeling of...
Do you ever feel like your brain is too full…
Well, normally on Tuesday mornings, I sit and finish up my email and get it sent out to you...
There’s an elephant in the room, and she’s named Omicron
January 11, 2022 -- Wow, y'all, there's some STUFF going on. And it's affecting me way more than I...
It’s #energyleak time, holiday edition!
December 14, 2021 -- Oh, y'all, it's #energyleak time, holiday edition! Maybe you… -haven't...
Today: obsessed! Tomorrow…over it!
October 19, 2021 -- Everything runs its course. Everything has a season. Things evolve. Cycles are...
Even if you don’t read a single word of this, you’ll have a chuckle, I promise!
October 12, 2021 -- I love Halloween. Well, let's be honest: I just really love costuming up! I...
The Power of Plan B
Aug 17, 2021 -- It's the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!! In-person school!!! I've been WAITING for this...
YOU are gorgeous architecture!
August 3, 2021 -- Who is familiar with this saying: "We are our own worst enemy." So true! We have...
3 is my new favorite number
7/26/2021-- 3 is my new favorite number. Why? It's so do-able, accessible. It's part of our...
Woot! The Challenge is nearly upon us!
June 29, 2021 -- As promised, the "Lighten up in July" you-can't-get-behind challenge is almost...
OMG it’s so time to change it up!!
June 22, 2021 - OMG it's time to change it up!! July is a unique month. In the US, it's the focal...
How pink Post-it notes BOSSED up my ADD+overwhelm
May 18, 2021 -- May, oh May, oh my!!! Are you feeling it, too? I have multiple energy leaks right...
So my 16 year old can’t find his wallet…enter “The Squeeze”
May 11, 2021 -- It's true. My not yet licensed driver/just got a job at Chili's/man about town...
May the Fourth be with you “throwback blog” edition!
May 4, 2021 -- I've never done this, but let's give it a whirl! I'm going into the archives to see...
How homonyms made me cross over to the Dark Side
April 27, 2021 -- There are several things I know NOW that I sure wish I'd known growing up....
“hey, honey, did you get an odd 9-1-1 text?”
April 20, 2021 -- It's Sunday, and I'm taking a glorious mid-day bath in order to baby my knee...
Like a York Peppermint Patty…feel the sensation!
April 13, 2021 -- Oh, leaky leaky energy leaks!! Can you relate to any of these? -walking past...
Is this a flimsy wick day? Hang on…
April 5, 2021 -- What a fantastic weekend!!! After a more than year-long hiatus, we were able to...
Which flower really springs you into Spring?
March 30, 2021 -- Hello to you, my reader! Just to set your expectation for today's read, there is...
No one likes a leaky anything…so plug it up!
March 23rd, 2021 -- We are slaves to our minds, aren't we? Our minds are so powerful. Me? I'm a...
Macauley Culkin had it so good…
March 16, 2020 -- If you take Quarantine, the pandemic, social distancing from the rest of the...
Get your own Paparazzi
March 9, 2020 -- If you've been a reader of my blog, you already know that I learn a ton of life...
What color is Jealousy? Could it be…Golden?
March 1st, 2021 -- Sunday night I watched the Golden Globes "with" my oldest son (he's currently...
Snow+Texas=SNOWRREAL: Snowmageddon2021
Feb 23, 2020 -- Sitting in a warm house, with water and electricity, and the temperatures well...
Oh, my…Mother Nature is not kidding around
Feb 15, 2021 -- Yesterday, we woke up to deeply sub-freezing temps here in Austin, as well as a...
Permit acquired! (but not without drama…)
Feb 9, 2021 -- Good news from last Friday: My youngest child's driving permit acquired....
Oh, Launch Pad, how you complete me (and I so NEED you this week in particular!)
Feb 1st, 2020 - First of all, a quick HBD shoutout to my little brother, Matt, who turns 46 this...
So easy to use, so easy NOT to use…
January 26, 2021 - One of my favorite books, The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson is so good...when I...
Moms gone wild
Jan 21st, 2021 - I have this long list of previously ordinary things that I really miss: Hugging...
when you look up and, “Crap! it’s Dec 15th?!”
Dec 15, 2020 -- since i sit down most mornings all alone in a comfy chair with a candle, some...
the 2am worries…we all get them
WARNING: lots of free flowing monsters in my head in this post!! Dec 7, 2020 -- I normally sleep...
“Hey, Mom, uh, I hope you have time to take me to the emergency room”
Novemember 24, 2020 -- This is not a sentence anyone wants to hear, ever. Least of all when you're...
2020 and the holidays…time to reframe, people
Nov 17, 2020 -- Yep. We are approaching the holidays and we are reading the facts: getting...
Hey, it’s NOW-vember. SO grab it by the gourds!
November 10, 2020 -- Now-vember. If people can invent "Mow-vember", then I'm coining "Now-vember"!...
My EPIC FAIL at 4pm
Yesterday, I took a big ol' running start, and fell FLAT on my face. (not literally, so not to...
“Alexa, play songs from Rage Against the Machine”
October 20, 2020 -- Yesterday at about 5pm, I noticed a restless energy within myself. I felt...
Monday at 10:28am…sometimes it’s just the right time for a good cry
October 6, 2020 -- Yup, yesterday I just fell apart at 10:28am. Mondays are MY DAY, y'all. I LOVE...
Flying through the air…in a good way
October 2, 2020 -- I love October. It's my favorite favorite month. I think it stems from my love...
“yay” that today is not yesterday
Sept 29, 2020 -- wow, yesterday was baaaaaaaaaad. Sunday was no picnic either. So add those 2...
When all else fails…Garage Therapy to the rescue!
September 25, 2020 -- I should strive to blog more during 2020…the material just is like no other....
Sentimental or incendiary???
August 18, 2020 <-- This date, as in this very day as I write, was supposed to be SO MANY...
Be SELFISH. The world needs that!
August 10, 2020 -- I love a fresh week! It feels like an expanse of potential time to get a series...
I’ll take “DONE” over “perfect”, please
July 27, 2020 -- Well, well, we are looking at the tail end of July: July 2020, it's...
Lava lamps and moms…
July 21, 2020 -- We are better together, no question. Each one of us has a wealth of knowledge,...
the Dichotomies of 2020
I had a ton of fun thought time on these...ENJOY! I love being at home all the time. I hate being...
Feeling all the feels…
June 17, 2020 -- Life is precious. 100%. 100% of the time. Even when we aren't front-of-mind...
in my head, and in my eyes (serious post)
June 5, 2020 -- Remember how slow March was? And April too? Why does it feel like May was fast and...
When change brings GOOD things…
May 27, 2020 -- I have always loved that saying that goes, "Today is the first day of the rest of...
If you don’t like today, just wait a minute
May 25, 2020 -- This saying has so much deep wisdom that I doubt we even fully comprehend it. We...
The Flylady, Mel Robbins, and Marie Kondo, oh my!
...part 2 from yesterday "Are you my mother?" May 21, 2020 -- As a stay-at-home mama of littles, I...
“Are you my mother?” A tale of seeking
Note: I use Myers-Briggs lingo in this post. I am an ENFP, known lovingly as a Squirrel. I refer...
What you think about, you BRING about
May 18, 2020 -- Happy Monday, y'all! I just love a fresh week! I am certain that you have heard...
Front ends and back ends
May 15, 2020 -- Do you have periods of deep thought that can last days or even weeks? During those...
Carpe diem, ugly bits and all
May 14th, 2020 -- If we were going to get philosophical for a moment, (it's rather constant these...
We are MAGICAL beings, so what’s our deal?
May 13, 2020 -- In the Old Normal, BC ("before COVID-19"), today I would have awakened in the...
Observe your own sunset
May 12, 2020 -- Do you have any clue what a mess I was yesterday?? It was Monday, and normally I...
Eyes on the Prize
May 11, 2020 -- I love really powerful statements like these: teamwork makes the dream work, we...
Thanks, Lilo and Stitch:)
May 8, 2020 -- I have family on my mind this morning for several reasons. Yesterday, May 7, my...
Incredibly, outrageously irrational
May 7, 2020 -- It's hilarious, really, how we expect so much of ourselves. And by hilarious, I...
Guess what? WE ALL SUCK.
May 6, 2020 -- (Ha I bet I got you with that title!) I am flying high after yesterday's Instagram...
I can’t think of a better way to celebrate Taco Tuesday on Cinco de Mayo than with #GivingTuesdayNow
May 5, 2020 -- Hola! Do you know something that I love to see? When a person out in the world sees...
May the Fourth Be With You (this is NOT a Star Wars spoof post FYI)
May 4th, 2020 -- I'm not sure how, or why, but I feel so lucky and happy. My house is a filthy...
Dreams come true, so keep your eyes peeled!
May 1, 2020 -- Hello, May! So when we were in the trenches of March and early April, it was as if...
Happiness Life Hack!
April 29, 2020 -- In order to be happy, as in, deep-in-your-soul happy, do things that make you...
Happiness life hack
April 29, 2020 -- It burns in me right now to share this with you. In order to be happy, as in,...
I’m literally obsessed with non-profits and service…apparently since I was a teenager
April 28, 2020 -- Did April feel fast for you? After the drip-drip-drip surrealness of March and...
Just put it out there…”woo woo” post alert
Monday, April 27, 2020 -- I hate selling things. I really do. 10 times out of 10 I would rather...
One of my ULTIMATE #yayme moments
April 24, 2020 -- Do you feel things speeding up again a little bit? Is your schedule feeling...
LET GO OF OLD SH*T (brutally honest post alert)
April 23, 2020 -- Growth. Maybe it's "Earth Day Energy" lingering on me, but I feel this...
Birthdays and other celebrations in the time of coronavirus…
hAPPY Earth Day!! April 22, 2020 -- Happy Earth Day! As I sit down to write today, I am not...
Some things I miss, and some that I don’t
April 21, 2020 -- Today's musings from the New Normal…I miss a few things, I DON'T miss others. I...
Thank you, Bill Murray
April 20, 2020 -- Greetings to another week! I absolutely love a fresh week. It is a new cycle...
Tantrums in the time of coronavirus: sometimes the lid blows off the pot
April 17, 2020 -- Greetings from my quarantine to yours! Not that I can conceive of this as a...
Finding some sweetness in the time of coronavirus
April 16th, 2020 -- Are y'all as over the word "unprecedented" as I am? Why that word has gotten...
I’m doing something super scary.
April 15th, 2020 -- If ever there was an indicator of the "New Normal" it's the fact that today is...
High-waisted acid-wash jeans came back, so apparently any history can repeat itself
April 14, 2020-- As I write today's date, I muse that if we were still in the Old Normal, we would...
Your brain is like a salad bar
April 13, 2020 -- Alas, we did not have an Easter Egg hunt yesterday nor did I get my teenaged...
The “New Normal” is so “Old School”
April 9, 2020 -- With this much craziness going on worldwide, affecting absolutely every single...
Are you (like me) doing too many things at once??
April 8, 2020 -- Greetings! So, the "freight train hamster wheel" lifestyle is on pause…have you...
Are you a self-improvement junkie like I am?
April 7, 2020 -- If you don't know me by now, I'm a card-carrying squirrel, a seeker of...
As we grieve for the Old Normal and settle in to the New Normal
April 3, 2020 - Hello and Happy [some day they call "Friday"]! This morning I was pondering the...
You can’t deny the wisdom from certain Disney characters
April 2, 2020 -- I hope you made it through the most surreal April Fool's Day on record. If you...
Please someone say, “April Fool’s!”
April 1st, 2020 -- Hello, April, 2020. I can't say that this particular March flew by like every...
When EVERYTHING breaks…
March 31st -- Yesterday was a Cat in the Hat rainy weather day. Perfect for a Monday. It started...
Heads up: vulnerable blog post
March 30, 2020 -- It’s a fresh week! I love a fresh week but honestly I’m still pretty off....
Your “pause” button has been pressed…
Stress goggles! March 28, 2020 -- Is anyone feeling a bit trepidatious of when we are "let out"...
Collect lots of ZOGs in your life
March 27, 2020 -- (This post was inspired by some good energy flowing around) Naturally, we spend...
Time for some new filters, but not the Snapchat kind (although those are so fun!)
March 26, 2020 -- Here's a lesson I welcomed into my reality yesterday: sift your priorities...
Are you getting distracted by “OPGs”? I sure am…
From my daily affirmation book today! March 25, 2020 -- Hello, Wednesday that feels like any other...
A thank you to someone I’ll never be able to directly thank (a tale of perspective)
March 24, 2020 -- I woke up really "off" this morning, partially because I had some really weird...
Make Frida proud!
I had a "lightbulb moment" this morning in my creative thinking time: the USE IT OR LOSE IT...
Advice for our “New Normal”
March 18, 2020 -- It's undeniably crazy out there, y'all, so here's my advice: FOLLOW YOUR ENERGY....
What is PaperPalooza? And why do you need to attend? read on…
Are you drowning in paper as tax time approaches? There’s hope!
The weirdest things end up in your closet.
(this odd blog post was inspired by one of my client photos from 2018) You know it's true. You go...